Beyond IYA2009 Update
17 September 2010
International Year of Astronomy 2009 Final Report Released
A 1300-page final report for the International Year of Astronomy 2009 is available here:
Observe the Moon Night Goes Global
On September 18, 2010 the world will join the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's Visitor Center in Greenbelt, Md., as well as other NASA Centers to celebrate the first annual International Observe the Moon Night (InOMN). Read more:
Eyes on the Skies Receives Prize at TechFilm 2010
The movie Eyes on the Skies – 400 Years of Telescopic Discovery, initiated as part of the International Year of Astronomy 2009, has received the International Association for Media in Science’s Award at the TechFilm 2010 Festival. The award ceremony took place on 16 September 2010 at the National Technical Library in Prague. Read more:
Galileoscope - A Year Later: A review By David Treviño
"I expect many of you know by now what is the Galileoscope. It was one of the cornerstone projects of the International Year of Astronomy (2009). An inexpensive put-it-together-yourself telescope with decent optics designed to make observing the night sky to an as wide audience as possible worldwide. It was even nominated as of Cloudy Nights Reader’s Choice in 2009." Read more here:
Moon Zoo Challenge
To celebrate International Observe the Moon Night we have launched the Moonometer. Between September 15th and 19th we are challenging the Moon Zoo community to classify a huge chunk of the Moon:
Competition winner – Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2010
Read more:
Science Mag: International Year of Astronomy Claims Record Numbers of Citizen Stargazers
The International Year of Astronomy (IYA) 2009 is the biggest public science outreach event ever, with more than 815 million people in 148 countries taking part, says its concluding report released yesterday at the Joint European and National Astronomy Meeting in Lisbon. Organizers say its decision to focus IYA2009’s €18 million budget on communicating astronomy to the public, rather than splitting funding between outreach and research, and appointing a global coordinator to oversee the project, is a successful model that should be adopted by future public science outreach events. Read more:
Submit your Science Education Project for the eLearning Awards 2010 Competition
Read more about the eLearning Awards and submit your entry at
Educational Material of European Virtual Observatory
EuroVO-AIDA/WP5 is a project developed within the framework of the European Virtual Observatory (EuroVO) with the aim of diffusing EuroVO data and software to the public, in particular students, teachers and astronomy enthusiasts.More information:
Recent Papers and an Announcement from Astronomy Education Review
Astronomy Education Review (AER), the web-based journal/magazine about astronomy education and outreach, continues to publish significant papers and articles as it moves into the second half of its 9th volume.
More information:
EPO Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems
7 - 11 November 2010 / Boston, Massachusetts, USA
The Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS) Education and Public Outreach - The Education and Public Outreach (EPO) session covers a variety of activities by research institutes, universities, and institutions, aimed at promoting public awareness, understanding, and education in astronomy. This session provides material on the latest developments in EPO for astronomy and the tools and techniques used to create the EPO material for the public. More information:
Cosmic Diary Anthology Released as a Free Book: Postcards from the Edge of the Universe
The book, Postcards from the Edge of the Universe, was launched last week. A legacy of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 Cornerstone project Cosmic Diary, the book features articles from astronomers around the world about the hottest astronomical topics of the moment.
More information:
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