Beyond IYA2009 Updates
24 September 2010
2010 ESA/GTTP workshop for science teachers
ESA along with the Galileo Teacher Training Programme are organising a workshop for science teachers at the NEMO Science Centre, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, from 7–10 December 2010. More information:
Best practice guidelines for outreach activities targeted at schools and teachers
The Europlanet Outreach Team and Steering Committee have teamed up with the Galileo Teacher Training Programme (GTTP) to produce this set of best practice guidelines for outreach activities targeted at schools and teachers. Please feel free to share it with others that may have an interest in developing their communication skills:
GHOU/ GTTP Updates:
A new TWAN publication is released: Zauber der Sterne (Magic of Stars)
This is an official TWAN book published in Germany, a collection of over 200 starry photos from around the world and articles about the project and sky photography, authored by TWAN members Stefan Seip, Gernot Meiser, and Babak Tafreshi. The first editions are in German... and Dutch but will be translated to more languages in future.
More information:
The World at Night Newsletter:
New Media in a digital world: Tool or Threat for Learning?
The Media & Learning Conference taking place in Brussels on 25 and 26 November 2010 addresses how new media can contribute to improve learning. More information:
MEARIM-2: the 2nd Middle-East and Africa Regional
The last decade has seen revolutionary advances in astronomical capabilities within the Middle-East and Africa. In particular, the completion of HESS and SALT, together with the construction of KAT-7 and the bid to host the SKA, has transformed the region, bringing world-class capability in ultra-high energy gamma-rays, optical/near-IR and radio wavelengths to southern Africa. The timing is thus ideal for MEARIM-2, to build on these developments and to exploit them for the benefit of the entire region. The latter requires huge effort on the education and outreach front, which will be a significant topic at the meeting. Details can be found at the conference web site:
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