Beyond IYA2009 Updates
1 October 2010
IYA2009 Call for Additional Reports
A few weeks ago we released the 1400-page final report for the International Year of Astronomy 2009. This report is a compilation of the achievements of the 216 IYA2009 stakeholders — 148 countries, 40 international organisations and 28 global projects. It shows the excitement, engagement and community involvement engendered by IYA2009. The report is intended to stand as a record of the legacy of this astonishing international celebration of astronomy. Although comprehensive, the report cannot acknowledge every single event, project or activity during IYA2009. To mitigate this, the IYA2009 secretariat calls on individuals, organisations, universities, amateur associations, etc. to submit any additional IYA2009 relevant reports, brochures and books to be archived on the main IYA2009 website for posterity:
Such reports can be submitted until end of November 2010 in any language and in rich text, word or PDF format to with the country name in the subject line.
The Mysteries of the Cosmos Are Revealed During World Space Week 2010
This October 4 - 10, organizations across the globe celebrate United Nations-declared World Space Week, the largest annual public space event on Earth. The purpose of World Space Week is to celebrate the contributions of space science and technology to life on Earth. More information:
Your Universe @ UCL, London, UK:
Dark Matter Awareness Week: 1 - 8 December 2010: Dark Matter Awareness Week is envisaged as a worldwide forum for fostering discussion of one of the most pressing problems and elusive aspects of astrophysics, high-energy physics, cosmology and relativity. More information:
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National Nodes: 148
Organisational Nodes: 40
Organisational Associates:33
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Cornerstone Projects: 12
Special Task Groups: 11
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Media Partners:22