IYA2009 Update
29 May 2009
Brief status report on IYA2009
Get up-to-speed with this concise document. Read it here: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/299/
ReVista: Exploring the Universe
Check the special Spring 2009 issue of ReVista, Harvard Review of Latin America, under the theme: "The Sky Above, The Earth Below: Exploring the Universe". http://www.drclas.harvard.edu/files/SpringRevista.pdf
IYA2009: telescopes donated to budding astronomers
Many astronomy enthusiasts vividly remember their first sight through a telescope, whether it was the cratered lunar landscape, rings of Saturn, moons of Jupiter, or the myriad of sparkling stars just waiting to be unveiled. IYA2009 supporters have been donating telescopes to spread this sense of awe around the world. http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/292/
Good reading from other sources on astronomy education and outreach
Dr. Andrew Fraknow presents the fourth annotated listing of readings about astronomy education and outreach. Read more: http://dx.doi.org/10.3847/AER2009031
Grenada starts IYA2009 celebration
On 22 and 23 May, students, teachers, parents and the general public in the Caribbean island of Grenada (known as the Isle of Spice) got the opportunity to attend informative workshops on Astronomy in the day and view the night skies in the evening. For many attendees, it was the very first time that they had the opportunity to view the skies through a telescope. More information: http://www.astronomy2009.org/organisation/nodes/national/view/GD/
StarPeace event between Macedonia and Serbia
After a difficult month of preparations and weather concerns, the StarPeace event between Macedonia and Serbia finally came true on the weekend between 22- 24 May. The event was held on the peak "Odvrakjenica" on the mountain Golija, near the city Novi Pazar in Serbia.
Read the report by Martin Stojanovski from the Skopje Astronomical Society here: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/297/
European Hands-On Universe awarded with EC silver medal
"Hands-On Universe, Europe - Bringing frontline interactive astronomy to the classroom", IYA2009 Organisational Node, has been awarded the silver medal by the European Commission in the category "Information and Communication Technologies". More information: http://www.llp-conference.eu/awarded-projects
Weekend of astronomy education workshops Sept. 12 & 13 near San Francisco -- scholarships available
A weekend of hands-on workshops and exciting science talks will be offered as part of the 120th anniversary meeting of the non-profit Astronomical Society of the Pacific at the Westin Hotel near the San Francisco Airport in Millbrae, California. For details, please visit: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/295/
The World At Night update
For the latest TWAN information, go to: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/294/
The mutual phenomena of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter
In 2009, the planet Jupiter will experience an equinox (it occurs only every six years) allowing the observation from Earth of mutual occultations and eclipses between the Galilean satellites. We will take the opportunity of the "International Year of Astronomy 2009" to encourage every one to look at these satellites and to make astronomical observations. Learn more about this fabulous opportunity here: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/293/
Answer engine can help to plan IYA2009 events
A new computational answer-engine called Wolfram|Alpha has been released. Unlike conventional search engines, facts are given directly based on questions provided by users. This has particular relevance to astronomers, as the dedicated astronomy section shows. Sky charts can be quickly produced for any date and location, calculations of astronomical properties can be performed, and astrophysical calculations are simplified. This has important implications for planning IYA2009 events such as star parties and lectures. Read all about it here: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/291/
StarPeace newsletter
For news on the StarPeace project, be sure to visit: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/290/
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