IYA2009 Updates
26 June 2009
Call for proposals for free Galileoscopes:
IYA2009 invites countries, organisations and individuals to submit calls for proposals for free Galieoscopes. This call is solely intended to countries organisations or individuals who were not able to afford their own Galileoscopes. More information is available here: http://www.developingastronomy.org/galileoscopes.php
Worldwide broadcast for July's solar eclipse
To allow astronomers and the public all around the world to witness this spectacle eclipse, the Chinese Astronomical Society, supported by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, will be hosting a live broadcast of the 2009 eclipse. Read the full story: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/325/
IYA2009 Twitter feed reaches over 3000 followers
The official IYA2009 Twitter feed, @astronomy2009, now has over 3000 followers. This is a great success for the venture, and the number is set to increase even more. Follow the feed here: http://twitter.com/astronomy2009
HISTORY launches new website celebrating The Universe
HISTORY, the proud, exclusive television partner of IYA2009, has launched a fantastic website where people can explore the universe through virtual interactive-maps, a challenging online game, videos, and images. The site also includes information on the HISTORY series The Universe, now airing on channels all over the world, and listings of local IYA2009 events. Check out your region's site today: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/326/
The 365 Days of Astronomy podcast nominated for the Parsec Award 2009
365 Days of Astronomy has been nominated for Parsec Award in the categories Best "Infotainment" Cast. http://parsecawards.com/node/787
IYA2009 Special project: observing mutual events of the Galilean satellites
Jupiter's system is becoming ever-more observable, with opposition occurring on 14 August. Many observations have already been made and thanks to good images and advanced software, we have created some excellent animations. To learn more about this IYA2009 Special project, please visit: http://www.imcce.fr/hosted_sites/ama09/phemu09_en.html
Expedition to Principe Report Online
In the spring of 1919, an expedition led by the British astronomer Arthur Eddington travelled to the small island of Principe, in the Gulf of Guinea, to carry out what would become one of the landmark experiments of contemporary physics. 90 years later, during IYA2009, a group of astronomers and enthusiasts returned to the island to commemorate the event and unveil a celebratory plaque. Read their report here: http://www.astronomy2009.org/static/archives/documents/pdf/iau_principe_report.pdf
Herschel and Planck in the classroom
To mark the launch of the Herschel and Planck space observatories, ESA has participated in the production of a wide-ranging series of educational materials related to these two missions. These materials were originally disseminated to German teachers through a collaboration with the German "Wissenschaft in die Schulen!" (WiS! - Science into Schools!) project and the "Sterne und Weltraum" magazine. More information: http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Education/SEMPM10P0WF_0.html
Stars for Global Peace
Read the message of Azhy Hasan, StarPeace Iraqi ambassador for StarPeace event on June 5: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/329/
The World at Night Newsletter
Read it here: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/328/
Video: Science Comic Brian Malow on Galileo & IYA2009
Galileo first used his telescope 400 years ago. Science Comedian Brian Malow says 2009 may be the most exciting year in astronomy since 1609. Check his latest video from TIME Magazine: http://www.time.com/time/video/?bcpid=1485842900&bctid=26444197001
PBS' 400 Years of the Telescope Garners Four Telly Awards
The PBS documentary 400 Years of the Telescope, produced by Interstellar Studios to support the International Year of Astronomy 2009, has been awarded four Telly Awards. A Silver Award was received for an excellent achievement in cinematography, and three Bronze Awards representing outstanding achievement, for use of animation, writing and the documentary over all. The whole story is available online: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/322/
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