News round-up, 21 August 2009
21 August 2009
Another Friday means a new IYA2009 news round-up. If only everything in life were this predictable.
Readers of the IYA2009 updates will have read a story about The World At Night exhibiting astronomical images at shopping centres across the U.S. The magazine Astronomy has gotten in on the action by writing a blog entry with the marvellous title "Popularizing the heck out of astronomy". The author, Bill Andrews, outlines the idea and then offers his support, stating why he thinks it's a good idea. Nicely done, Bill Andrews. oneindia also has an offering about this story, including a quote from project director and skilled photographer Babak Tafreshi.
Next, news from Pakistan. The Nation has run a story about the Perseid meteor shower. It specially plugs The Society of the Sun, and a star party at their Jati Umra headquarters. The same website also has a slightly more depressing story about the Pakistan International Airlines Planetarium at Chauburji being rather run-down and neglected. Says the article, "The deplorable and outdated standards of imparting knowledge and entertainment are proved by the fact that no innovation or up-gradation has been introduced since its inauguration in 1987." That's a bit insulting to the designers of 1987.
The Missouri University of Science and Technology is opening its observatory doors to the public on 28 August. Their 16-inch telescope will be used to look at the Moon and Jupiter and probably some other things too.
KeremeosReview.cooooom! They've been harkin' on about The Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory holding an open house to help the public learn about radio astronomy, as part of IYA2009. It's happening on 26 September, so you have officially been given plenty of notice.
New snippet! Kingston This Week has some short text - and a photo! - about astronomers from the Royal Military College, Queen's University, Canada, volunteering to help the public view celestial sights though telescopes in Market Square.
The Southgate Amateur Radio Club have a scoop about a troop of Swiss girl and boy scouts planning an interview with space people. Apparently the Scouts will ask astronauts on board the International Space Station questions such as "What is dangerous in space?", "Do you feel homesick?", and "Is your family in fear?" Pretty intense stuff, the astronauts had better be prepared. Wow, the Scouts are even going to make a telescope out of a drain. Swiss Scouts are the best!
Ok, one more. is encouraging people to organise astronomy events to get the public, and in particular young people, interested in science. Says the article, "According to Wikipedia, IYA 2009 is a year-long celebration of astronomy, taking place in 2009"-great investigative journalism there!
We're all done here. Until next week, of course.
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