IYA2009 Updates
7 May 2010
Astronomy enthusiast creates beautifully illustrated and rhyming science book: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/914/
European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) 2010 (Angelicum Centre – Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, 19 – 25 September 2010, Rome, Italy)
Outreach Session: Lunar Outreach as a Tool for Public Engagement in Planetary Science
This session will bring together amateur astronomers, educators, researchers, and scientists active in the field of lunar science to discuss the latest developments in outreach activities for promoting public engagement in planetary science. The link to this is here: http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EPSC2010/sessionprogramme/OA
Convener contacts: M. Anand (m.anand@open.ac.uk)and D. Daou (doris.daou-1@nasa.gov)
Media in Education Newsletter May 2010: Highlights in Media Education include: an introduction to EuroCreator, offering video resources to European teachers; an insight into an innovative special interest group on educational podcasting; an article about the MEDEA 2009 Finalist, Studiecoach, produced by the Dutch Open University; an introduction to KlasCement, offering video resources to Dutch-speaking teachers; several calls for related competitions such as the EUROPRIX Multimedia Awards and the JAPAN PRIZE; and an interesting collection of articles, publications and announcements about developments and publications in the field of media and education. Full PDF here: http://www.media-in-education.net/files/Media-in-Education_Newsletter_2010-05.pdf
A Google Lunar X PRIZE LEGO MINDSTORMS Challenge!
MoonBots is an exciting new contest that challenges teams of students (ages 9 and up) and adults from around the globe to learn about robotics, the Moon, and space exploration by designing and constructing a LEGO MINDSTORMS robot that performs simulated lunar missions. To learn more or register a team, visit www.MoonBots.org
Insight into a Galilean Nights event: Staunch IYA2009 supporter Upamanyu Moitra has released his Galilean Nights event overview. He writes about aspects such as publicity and the public's reaction, as well as details of the event itself. Says Upamanyu, "I credit the success of the event to Mum, Dad, Sister and Granny without whose help it would have been impossible for me to do this." IYA2009 also credits success to Upamanyu himself. Read the report and see photographs here: http://upamanyuspeaks.blogspot.com/2010/05/galilean-nights-event-overview.html
Successful Mobile Exhibition Project test and star party in Iraq: The Amateur Astronomers Association of Kurdistan / Iraq (AAAK) has launched its Mobile Exhibition Project (MEP). Its main target is to allow students to look and learn about astronomy and the Universe through selected astrophotos. Topics include the history of astronomy, modern equipment, galaxies, nebulae, the Solar System and planets, AAAK activity shots, and AAAK honorary members around the world.More info: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/909/
Meeting: Astronomy and Power How Worlds are Structured
August 30 - September 4, 2010, Gilching (Germany)
More information: http://www.seac-2010.vhs-gilching.org/index.php
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