IYA2009 Updates
22 January 2010
IYA2009 Museum Collection
The International Astronomical Union and the official IYA2009 Collection Curator, Science Museum in London, UK would like to collect a sample of this material as a museum collection of the fantastic activities carried out around the world in 2009, showing the different ways that the National Nodes celebrated astronomy. Sample collections will be kept by the Science Museum in London. http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/732/
IYA2009 Closing Ceremony videos now online: Those that were unable to attend the IYA2009 Closing Ceremony in Padova, Italy, may wish to view the video recordings: http://www.virtualmeeting.info/astronomy/beyond2009/diretta.html
400 Years of the Astronomical Telescope poster released
A special poster promoting advances in telescope technology was made as a project for Science and Technology Week promoted by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan. During the Science and Technology Week in April 2009, about 150,000 copies of the poster were distributed by MEXT in museums all over Japan. http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/749/
The Lives of Galileo TV show available to watch online
All six episodes of the educational astronomical show, starring IYA2009-supporter and talented author/artist Fiami, are available to watch in French here: http://www.tsr.ch/tsr/index.html?siteSect=376321&sid=11628481
A Short Astronomical Serenade
"A Short Astronomical Serenade" is a multimedia project conceived to combine in a single event Astronomy, literature and live music. Thousands of people had the opportunity to hear and watch this production in Spain during some 30 concerts where the music was played live. Many more have seen the DVD that was produced by the Spanish National Research Council as a legacy product of IYA2009. http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/736/
European Light Pollution Symposium
The first of the videos from the European Light Pollution Symposium up now at: http://www.lightpollution2009.eu/
Jodcast January 2010: Looking back, looking forward.
"Looking back, looking forward. It is the end of the International Year of Astronomy 2009. In the show we bring you some of our highlights of the year which celebrated 400 years of the astronomical telescope. We have an interview with Nancy Atkinson about the 365 Days of Astronomy podcast, Jen visits the infamous AstroBunker to talk to Newbury Astronomical Society, and we ask Carolina Ödman about Universe Awareness. As ever we have the latest astronomical news, and what you can see in the January night sky." More details: http://www.jodcast.net/archive/201001/
Thales Alenia Space meets objectives for 2009
Thales Alenia Space won contracts for seven communications satellites and three satcom payloads in 2009, along with two observation satellites, nine pressurised modules for the International Space Station, and two experimental atmospheric reentry vehicles. http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/733/
IYA2009 Closing Event in France
For more information about the last days of IYA2009 in France, please see http://ama09.obspm.fr/ama09/index.php?body=cprog.html and http://cosmicdiary.org/closing_ceremony/
Beyond IYA2009 with SARM in Romania
The Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy (SARM) announces the launching of the last project of the project Astropoetry: an original photo-artistic-literary chronicle of 2009 and the largest-ever astronomical poetry tribute, with 200 participants from 6 continents, coordinated by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe, Valentin Grigore and Florin Stancu. http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/730/
Education resources for IYA2009
In the last Science in School magazine, Chris Starr and Richard Harwood suggest some useful websites and other resources to inspire your astronomy teaching: http://www.scienceinschool.org/2009/issue13/iya
Musician's Illustrated Tribute to Saturn Arrives on DVD
Art meets science: A fresh sultry, circular and sweeping piece of music -- called “Anillos” -- perfectly timed with breathtaking images of the planet Saturn and perfect for a large-screen television, is available now on DVD. http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/727/
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